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The Video Input Playlist in ProVideoPlayer

Beginning in PVP 3.3, adding video inputs into the PVP software is efficient and easy.  We’ve introduced the Video Input Playlist which allows you to add your Input Cues to the Video Input playlist, and add/change the input source later so that you don't have to delete and re-add your cues each time your source changes from computer to computer.

The Video Input Playlist can be accessed by clicking Video Input at the bottom of the Playlist area. This custom playlist allows you to see live previews of all of your video input feeds at once and trigger them as needed.  You can also drag/drop these live video cues into other Playlists. 


Add Video Input Cue(s) to the Video Input Playlist by clicking the + in the lower left and selecting your desired Input.  If you have not created a Video Input yet, you will be directed to Video Input Setup from the + menu. 


Video Input Setup is done in the Video Input tab of PVP Preferences.


Upon opening the window, you can select the number of Video Inputs you wish to have in the program by either manually entering the number or using the arrow buttons. 

You then can go to the dropdown menu by each input and select the Input device you wish to link it to.  This can be an SDI, NDI or Syphon Input.

If you are creating the Video Input cue but not wanting to select a device yet, you can leave it set to "No Video Source" to assign later.

If you want to remove the input device you have selected in the Video Input setup, you can click on Remove Input Device from the dropdown to switch the Video Input back to having no source.

You can also enter a Description here which is used as a label for the + menu in the Video Input Playlist to easily identify what each Video Input is.  Also, you can click the color box for each Input to set the cue label color that will be used once it's added in a Playlist.






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