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Devices: GlobalCache

GlobalCache is a network protocol that allows you to use GlobalCache-enabled hardward over the network to control all kinds of hardware. The most basic use is to send a command from ProPresenter to a GlobalCache device that then sends IR commands to hardware. Newer devices offer some additional controls. Properly setup, GlobalCache devices could turn ProPresenter into a hub to control some devices on your network.

GlobalCache devices don't have much documentation available. As such, we recommend working with an integrator who is familiar with these devices and can help you configure the hardware and ensure you purchase the right pieces. You may need access to a PC to actually program the hardware depending on the device you are using. This guide is only going to cover the basic connection in ProPresenter and the four commands that can be sent. We are not able to provide support for the devices themselves.

Click on the + and select GlobalCache. You will see the settings screen next.


GlobalCache devices will have an IP Address and Port that needs to be configured. You will need to get this information from the iHelp software after configuring it and discovering your device(s).

If you have multiple devices, rename it so you can identify which device you are controlling and select Auto Reconnect. Click the Back button and then click Connect. You will see a green line to the left indicating a successful connection.



GlobalCache only has four actions available. To add an action, right-click on a slide and navigate through the menu to the GlobalCache options.



Turn Output On

This command will send an On command to your device on the specified Output channel.



Turn Output Off

This command will send an Off command to your device on the specified Output channel.



On and then Off with Interval

This command will send an On command followed by an Off command. Enter your time interval in seconds.



Off and then On with Internal

This command will send an Off command followed by an On command. Enter your time interval in seconds.





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