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Using Look Transitions

The feature in this article is only available for customers with an active Pro+ agreement as of 11/21/23 (on version 7.15 and higher)

With the release of ProPresenter 7.15, comes the ability to apply transitions to Look Presets. 

You can apply crossfade transitions to your Look Presets through the Looks window. To access this window, go to the top menu and select Screens > Edit Looks. In this window, you will see your Look Presets listed on the left hand side. For more information on how to set up different Look Presets for your screens, you can view the article here.  

To apply the transition to a specific look, you would select the Look Preset on the left hand side and then use the slider at the bottom left of the Looks window to select a Look Transition Duration, or you can double click on the box with the set time to edit.

Looks 7.15.png

Transitions on Look Presets are set per Look, and are not set globally

Some Notes on Looks Transitions:

  • Look transitions are cross dissolve only, so if the transition duration is set to 0.0, the Look transition will display as a Cut transition. 
  • For best results, Look transitions should match your slide and media transitions to avoid unexpected layers presenting during the transition.
  • When you trigger a Look only (via, Macro, Manually, or API), the transition to the newly selected Preset will follow the duration set in the Look Dissolve transition. 
  • Triggering a Slide with a Look change simultaneously (Via Slide Action), the Slide content will use the slide transition, but use the Look Transition Duration (set in Screens>Edit Looks).
  • When triggering a Look Preset and Media Action simultaneously, the media item will still use the media transition applied. 



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