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Using Bibles in ProPresenter 6

This article deals with our legacy product, ProPresenter 6. For the ProPresenter 7 Knowledge Base, click HERE.

The Bibles section of ProPresenter can be used to look up scriptures from any downloaded version of the Bible you have and then add it into your presentations.

You can access Bibles by clicking View > Bibles in the menu bar or clicking the Bibles button in the toolbar (seen below).

Installing and Registering Bibles

Before you can start using the Bibles in the program, you will need to install and register them in the program.  We offer in-depth installation instructions for this here.

Searching the Bible

There are three different ways to search for the passages of scripture that you need.  You can either select from the Book menu, enter a specific passage or search for keywords. This is all handled by the bar at the top of the Bibles window.

Before searching, you need to select a specific translation from the menu on the left.

  1. To use the passage selector, click on the Book menu, then choose a book and chapter of the Bible; this will load all the verses in that chapter.
  2. To search for a specific range of verses, type in the passage and press Enter. The Bible passage search also recognizes shortened versions of book names (IE: “Matt 1 2 3” will perform a search for Matthew 1:2-3).
  3. To do a keyword search, type in your search term in the search box on the right.

Bible Slide Formatting and Templates

Bible slides are created in the same way any presentation slide is created, as in, you can set your style and formatting any way you wish.  

The best option to use, as with any presentation, is to apply a Template based on the text formatting you wish to use for the presentation. You can either apply a Template that's already inside of the program or create a new Template that best fits your setup. Below, we'll explain how to create a new Template for your scripture.

ProPresenter 6 allows you to use the same style for your verse and reference, or create two unique styles for the verse and references.

To create a new Bible template that supports individual styles for the reference and verse text, click on the Template button then choose New Template Group and name the Template as you see fit. This will open the Template Editor, which is similar to the standard Editor.

1.  If you are creating a Bible Template with the same style for both verse and reference, you would just add one text box to the slide and format the text.  

Applying this template in the Bibles section would apply the text style for the verse and reference and put the reference in the bottom right automatically.  An example of this would be below.  


2.  If you are creating a Bible Template with unique styles for the verse and reference, add two text boxes to the slide and format the text how you want each part to look.

After you have created your two text boxes, the next step is to name the two boxes so that ProPresenter knows how to use this template in the Bible window.

  1. Select the text box you wish to use for the Bible text.
  2. Select the Object Properties tab on the right-hand tool palette and then select Bible Text from the Name menu.
  3. Select the text box you wish to use for the Bible reference.
  4. Select Bible Reference from the Name menu  


The resulting slides would then look like this for this template.


Bible Slide Options

There are various options which are unique to Bibles that can format the way your slides look and add references and other information to the slide.

Each option in this box will change the way your slides look.

  • Show Verse Numbers: Checking this option enables verse numbers to be displayed in Bible passages.
  • Break on New Verse: Checking this will create new slides for each verse of a passage.
  • Display Translation: Checking this option will show the translation that is being used.
  • Preserve Font Color: Checking this option will retain “red letter” words and other formatting in the Bible text.
  • Verse References: Selecting this option will display the verse reference on each slide.  This option is only available if Break on New Verse is selected.
  • Passage Each: Selecting this option will show the reference for the entire passage being shown on each slide.
  • Passage Last: This option will only display the passage reference on the last slide.
  • No Reference: This option doesn’t display the passage reference on any slide.

Saving Scripture to your Presentations/Playlist

Once you have found the passage that you want to use, click on the action (cog) menu in the lower-left corner and choose either Save as Document, Copy to Current Document, or Save to Selected Playlist.

  • The Save as Document option will create a new presentation in your Library with the title of the passage.
  • The Copy to Current Document option will add the passage to the document that is currently selected in the library or a playlist. This option makes it much easier for you to prepare a single presentation for a sermon.  
  • If no slide is selected in the current document, these slides will be added at the end of the presentation.  
  • If a slide is selected in the current document, these slides will be added after that highlighted slide.  
  • The Save to Selected Playlist option will create a new presentation in your Library with the title of the passage and then automatically add that presentation to the selected Playlist.
  • If no presentation in the Playlist is selected, this presentation will be added at the end of the Playlist
  • If a presentation is selected in the Playlist, this presentation will be added after that highlighted presentation.  


Adding Scripture to an Existing Presentation  (Mac Only)

You can easily add the previous or next verse to a passage by clicking on the Previous Verse or Next Verse buttons. The purpose of this feature is to be used in a live environment when you quickly need to display a slide that is close by to the passage, but not in the original presentation.  

These two buttons are available in the Bible window as well as on Bible presentations in the Library. In the example below, clicking the previous button would add John 3:11 to the screen... clicking the next button would add John 3:20 to the screen.

This feature can also move between chapters.  Hitting the "Previous Verse" button on the first verse of a chapter would move to the last verse of the previous chapter.  The same would occur with the "Next Verse" button moving forward to the next chapter.  

This feature will only work if the presentation only has one passage of scripture.  

Once you create a template you like and set your formatting, adding scripture from Bibles into your presentations should be an easy process!




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