If you use arrangements on your songs and you use Planning Center Online, then this feature can be used to speed up your process a bit, especially for new songs. This button doesn’t do anything if you’ve never created an arrangement in Planning Center. In fact, you will see this alert if you have no keys assigned to the Group you are selecting.
To use this feature, you will need to first log into www.planningcenteronline.com and find your song in the “Songs” list. Click on the musical sheet to the right of the name upon hovering over the song name to bring up the Song Information screen. On the left of this screen click on “Default Arrangement” or “Add" to create a new arrangement. Then click on "Sequence" below the selected arrangement name.
On the next screen you will click or drag the stanza names into the sequence list in the order than you want them arranged. This is similar to how you create a new arrangement in ProPresenter, if you are already familiar with this process. When you are done, click on the “Save” button. Be sure to add the song to your Planning Center plan that you will be importing. You are now ready to add the plan to ProPresenter.
If you are unfamiliar with adding a Planning Center Playlist to ProPresenter, please review that section of the user guide before continuing. This section will not cover how to add the playlist.
You will need to be logged into Planning Center inside of ProPresenter on the Services tab in Preferences, as well as having the “Make Arrangements from Sequences” option selected there.
You can prepare ProPresenter by making sure that you have the same Group names added to the ProPresenter "Labels" in preferences before importing your service from ProPresenter. If you import a song from PCO that has a name that doesn’t exist in ProPresenter, you will see this message while importing your song.
For now, you can link the PCO Keys to any group that you aren’t using. You can also cancel the import and add the new groups.
If you take a look at the two previous screenshots you’ll notice that the chorus is called “Chorus” in PCO, but in ProPresenter it is called “Chorus 1”. This causes the PCO Key “C” to not be linked to a group automatically. You can click the dropdown to assign it to Chorus 1 and then it will be used correctly in the future.
The PCO Key for “Blank” doesn’t currently exist in the song, so you can assign it to anything for now. If you assign a key to a group that it doesn’t match, you will either need to rename the Group in Preferences or delete the key.
Once you have added a song with PCO Keys, you can go into the Label preferences to review the keys. Select a group name from the list then click on the Planning Center Keys button. This will show you a list of all the keys assigned to that label. If you have assigned a key to an incorrect group you can select it then delete the key with the minus button in the list.
The Planning Center sequence will be converted into a new ProPresenter 6 Arrangement that you can select just like any other arrangement.
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