ProPresenter 6 now includes the ability to schedule items in a playlist at a specific time. The Scheduler allows you to start any element in a playlist at a specific time. You can also have an element repeat daily or weekly.
To get started, add some items to a playlist. Click on the View menu and select Scheduler. You can also customize the toolbar to add Scheduler to the options on your toolbar if you want easier access to this feature.
When you open Scheduler, it will be empty the first time. Click on the plus button in the bottom right corner to create your first schedule. You can delete an existing schedule by clicking the schedule and pressing the delete key or by clicking the minus button in the bottom right corner.
After you add a new schedule, select the Playlist, the item you want to schedule, and the schedule settings for that item. If you want to schedule multiple items, repeat this process until you have everything scheduled.
Please note that while a Schedule can start a certain Playlist item, it does not have the power to automatically start a Timeline on a presentation.
Any playlist that has a schedule assigned to it will have a calendar icon to the right of the playlist name.
One limitation to daily and weekly schedules is that ProPresenter needs to restart in order for the events to fire properly. On a Mac, this is easy to do with Automator. To launch Automator, trigger Spotlight then search for it. When Automator opens, select the option for Calendar Alarm.
From the Actions column on the left select "Utilities". Drag "Quit Application", "Pause", and "Launch Application" into the area on the right. Set your Application to ProPresenter 6. You will also need to add a short pause time before relaunching so the action will run properly. When you save this Calendar Alarm it will launch the Calendar app on your Mac. You will need to schedule the event to run daily on the calendar. You will probably want to set it to happen over night when no one is around.
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