This article is relevant only for versions prior to ProPresenter 7
The MultiScreen Module (previously included in the Advanced Module) is a great and easy way to expand on what ProPresenter can do. This Module is used to display the multiple layers of ProPresenter on different screens. The Multi-Screen module is used in conjunction with the Matrox Dual or TripleHead2Go. Both can be found for sale on our Multi-Screen Module store page.
Necessary Items
- Multi-Screen Module
- Dual or TripleHead2Go
The first step in setting up a MultiScreen setup is to install the Matrox Drivers. (Note: You do not need the Matrox drivers if you are running a Windows machine. If you are running a Windows machine you can skip this step.) Visit the Matrox Support Website and look for the Graphics Drivers webpage. Select the device that you have purchased and are ready to install. You can now select Next. Make sure that the Softwares and Utilities box is checked, and then select Next. Select the OS that your machine is running. You can find this by selecting the Apple () on your Menu bar, and then About This Mac. You can now select Next. On the next screen, you will select the option that the description states "PowerDesk software suite for Mac". In the next screen, you will need to agree to the Matrox Notice and select Download Now.
Open the Download and follow the installation instructions. Once the driver is installed, you can connect your Matrox device with the Display adapter and the USB data cable.
Once this device is connected select the Matrox icon from the Menu bar and select EDID Management.
Inside of the EDID Management interface, you will need to remove all items from the "Active Resolutions and Refresh Rates" section by selecting the items within the list and selecting the arrow pointing away from this list. Once there aren't any items in the "Active Resolutions and Refresh Rates" list, you can now select the resolution and refresh rate in the "Supported Resolutions and Refresh Rates" that you need for your setup. This is determined by the projectors that you have in your setup. (Note: You can display up to three projectors at 720p 60Hz (US standard) as a max from the Matrox device.)
Once you select and apply the correct resolution in the EDID Management. You will need to open your Display Preferences from the Apple () on your Menu bar and make sure you select the resolution for your extended display. To do this you will need to select Gather Windows. Select the window that is titled "Display". You can now select Scaled and choose the total resolution for your MultiScreen Display.
The next step is to open ProPresenter Display Preferences. You should be able to select Full Screen. Your Output should cover all of your screens.
If you have already purchased the Multiscreen Module, you can Activate it from the Modules tab of ProPresenter Preferences. After activating the module, you should see a MultiScreen tab across the top of your Preferences window. If you navigate to this tab, you can create new Multi-Screen Layouts as well as select between previously made Layouts.
NOTE: You do not need the Matrox devices or the MultiScreen Module to use the Stage Display feature within ProPresenter. Stage display requires a separate output.
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