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Migrating ProPresenter Data from ProPresenter6 on a Different Computer

If you are updating to the new version of ProPresenter and would like to migrate your information from ProPresenter 6 from a different computer, you will want to follow the steps listed here...

On the Originating Computer: 

  1. Create a folder on your desktop and name it “ProPresenter Sync” or something similar
  2. Open the General tab of ProPresenter 6 Preferences
  3. Make sure the box next to “Manage Media Automatically” is checked.  If this is unchecked, you will want to enable this to ensure your Media files properly move across to the new machine.  Check the box and restart the software to confirm this has enabled properly. More information on Media Management can be found here.
  4. Open the sync tab of ProPresenter 6 preferences
  5. Under Repository, select the folder that you created on your Desktop and the path should appear there
  6. Choose which items you wish to sync at this time
  7. Select “Sync Up to Repository”
  8. Choose whether to check “Replace Files in Repository” -- if this is a new empty folder, this would not have to be checked.  If this folder was previously used as a repository and you wish to only migrate the data FROM the program currently, you would want to check this setting.  
  9. Push “Sync”
  10.  Copy the folder from your desktop to a USB drive or other device so you can move it to the other machine

On the Destination Computer

It is important to download ProPresenter6 on the destination computer as you're syncing ProPresenter6 from the original computer to ProPresenter6 on the destination computer. From there, you will be 'upgrading' your Pro6 data into Pro7 with the instructions below.
  1. Download ProPresenter 6 on this second computer (make sure to just use the demo version)
  2. Open the sync tab of ProPresenter 6 preferences
  3. From there you will navigate to the local tab and choose the information you wish to migrate to the new version of ProPresenter from another computer and choose the folder on your USB drive. 
  4. Select “Sync Down From Repository”
  5. Click “Sync”
  6. Check that everything has synced to ProPresenter 6
  7. Close ProPresenter 6
  8. Download the new version of ProPresenter
  9. Follow the steps in the following article to load your ProPresenter 6 data into the new version: Pro6 to Pro7 Migration

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