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Setting up Resi Streaming in ProPresenter

Note: This article assumes you’ve already created an account with Resi and created Destination Groups — if you’ve not already done this, please go to Resi's Help Center for more information

The functionality described in this article was introduced in version 7.3

Resi allows you to simultaneously stream directly from ProPresenter to your website, Facebook, YouTube, or other platforms. Once you have created your account with Resi and started the account setup process on their site, streaming from ProPresenter to the Resi platform is a somewhat simple process.

For a video overview of how this feature works, check out our tutorial video here.  


There are some Resi terms you might want to be familiar with as you begin using their services:


This is the computer that is originating the video stream… in this case, the encoder is ProPresenter running on your computer.

Encoder Preset

In Resi documentation and within menus you may see this referenced, but it is largely only used by Resi's own hardware encoders and includes the settings for how video is captured within these encoders. The workflow for the ProPresenter encoder does not use these.

Encoder Schedule

Encoder schedules provide the content source for upcoming and On Air events which originate from encoders (hardware or software). Encoder videos are the recorded encoder content in its original format (set by the encoder preset). They can only be loaded on decoders or viewed in Studio, and cannot be embedded in web pages or streamed to social media.

Web Event

This describes the processed video stream that is delivered to the web audience.

Web Channel

This defines the encode settings for an embedded stream, including the embed URL of the stream, as well as the options for how the stream is compressed.

Social Media Accounts

In order to stream to social media sites (YouTube and Facebook) you have to allow Resi to have access to the user accounts through which you want to stream.

Social Media Settings

Your user accounts on YouTube and Facebook define the pages/groups on which your account has permissions to stream. These settings are defined either when you are starting a Web Event from within Studio, or scheduling an event from within Resi Studio.

Destination Group

Destination groups define the one or more places where audiences will see your stream. This can include a web profile for events streaming from Resi directly as an embedded URL, as well as social media destinations (YouTube/Facebook).

Additional terminology can be found on Resi's Help Center.


Set up your Resi account within ProPresenter

You’ll first want to log in to your Resi account inside of the ProPresenter Preferences window. Click on the Resi tab and then click the Login button. The login process uses your Resi username and password.  If you don't have a Resi account yet, click on Need an Account? to head to the Resi website and get that setup.


If this is the first time you’ve used this computer for Resi integration, you will be prompted to enter a name for the Encoder. The "encoder" in this case, is the computer on which you are running ProPresenter and streaming to Resi. Typically, we recommend entering the room name or location that this computer will be operating from, but it could be any description that would identify this computer.


Once set up is complete, the Resi Plug-In will begin installing so ProPresenter and Resi can communicate and you can begin streaming!  You'll see the Preferences window change once this is complete.



The Capture Settings Window

Now that you’ve gone through the initial settings of your account, you can move to the Capture Settings window to get started with streaming. There are several ways to get to the Capture Settings window:

  • Click on the option in the Resi tab of ProPresenter Preferences
  • Click the Live button in the upper right of the Preview window,
  • Go to Screens>Capture Settings in the menubar.

Each of these options will bring up the settings in place for video streaming.

This window may be familiar to you if you’ve previously done any capture to disk or RTMP streaming from within ProPresenter 7. Here, you will select the Destination setting to be Resi. Once you’ve done this, you will see a list of options appear.


  • Source: This is the ProPresenter screen that will be streamed to Resi — this can be a dedicated Screen that is only for the stream itself or a screen that is used for other purposes in ProPresenter. You can pick/choose what layers are active on this Screen in the Audience Looks window.
  • Event Name: This is the name of the stream that will appear within Resi Studio, as well as on Facebook and YouTube streams. This field is optional, and if left blank will use the name chosen for the Destination Group.
  • Destination Group: Here you will select what Resi Destination Group will be used for the stream.
  • Resolution: This dropdown allows you to select the preset for video format and bitrate which will be used for streaming. For best quality and performance, select an option that matches the output display resolution set for your screens in the Screen Configuration window. If there is not an exact match, select the option that most closely matches the output display resolution.
  • Audio: Here, you can route the audio from ProPresenter to your Resi stream. At this time, the stream audio is limited to two channels (left and right). — Audio is encoded in a stereo configuration at 128kbps using an AAC codec at a sample rate of 48kHz.

Starting your Stream from ProPresenter

You can begin streaming with the settings chosen three different ways:

  • Click Start Streaming from the Capture Settings window
  • Use the Live button in the Preview window
  • Choose Screens>Start Streaming in the menubar

Once you’ve started streaming, video that will be streamed on the web will begin encoding immediately and uploaded to Resi servers for re-encoding and transmission to the destinations specified in your Destination group.

When you begin the Capture, a progress indicator will appear in the upper right of your Preview window. There are three colors the indicator can be depending on the encoding process and the transmission of the stream to Resi's cloud. 


  • Green: this means the connection is properly transmitting video content and there are no interruptions. 
  • Yellow: This is a warning that the capture is dropping frames. 
  • Red: This signals that your network connection has been lost or the capture has been stopped for another reason.

The stream status is monitored on a regular basis, so we recommend watching this indicator to confirm the health of your stream.  

Once you are finished streaming, you can stop the capture by either clicking on the Live button in the Preview window and choosing Stop Capture, going to the Screens menu>Stop Capture, or through the Stop Capture button in the Capture Settings window.  


Remote Streaming through Resi Studio

Resi streams can also be started from within the Resi Studio once you’ve set up your Capture settings within ProPresenter and created the proper Destination Groups on the Resi Studio interface. In addition, you can set schedules for your streams to start at a given date and time.

When a stream is initiated by Resi Studio (whether by hitting the "Start" button for the encoder or because of a scheduled event), the ProPresenter operator will see a notification when streaming is set to begin. This notice gives 15 seconds for the operator to either cancel the stream from starting.


Resi Preferences

ProPresenter’s Preferences window has a Resi tab that offers some helpful resources when you are logged in to your Resi account.


Here, you can:

  • View the status of your Resi account and your encoder name for the ProPresenter machine you are using.
  • Open Resi Studio for Resi by clicking the Manage button. This opens a browser window to Resi Studio for your account, where you can set Destination Groups, create Web Event Profiles, and learn more about your Resi account.
  • Check for the latest version of the Resi ProPresenter encoder. You can Check for Updates here to make sure you have the latest version.
  • Open the Capture Settings window that is discussed above for setting up the factors used for your stream to Resi.

Deleting the Resi Encoder in ProPresenter

To remove your Resi Encoder account from a ProPresenter computer, you will go through Resi Studio page in your internet browser.  For this option to appear, please make sure that ProPresenter is closed on the computer that you had setup as your encoder.  

Once ProPresenter is seen as "offline" - the option will appear in Resi Studio under Encoders to Delete the Encoder.  




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